
le 29/01/2016 par Benjamin Caradeuc
Hi, Today Is the day I present you a thing I did want to build since a long time : A simple JS router (hash styled & for front-end use) with aj...
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le 10/12/2015 par Benjamin Caradeuc
Hi, Today I want to show you something I did for some personnal projects and made it public. This is a very little piece of sass code allowing you ...
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MIT license

le 02/12/2015 par Benjamin Caradeuc
Hi, It’s been a long time I have not published anything here but now I come back and share something that will be useful for a lot of my projects a...
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le 10/09/2015 par Benjamin Caradeuc
These days , I do a lot of projects on html / css / javascript and I always have to configure documentation pages from 0. It takes time , but is ve...
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